Common issues with the Cam Chat
We will start with the most common problems first, is the chat application not loading for you? Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash installed on your computer as the chat software is Flash. We do offer a method of chat for smart phone and tablet users, this uses HTML5 code and can requires a lot less resources on your laptop/computer. Try the Smart Phone / Tablet Chat and see if this fixes any problems you may have with loading/connecting to the chat software.
If your webcam and microphone is not working, first make sure it's not being used by any other applications on your computer or another website. Make sure that it's enabled in the Flash settings by right clicking anywhere in the chat window and click "Settings". Make sure it's set to "Allow" in this box and go through the tabs and look for any obvious reasons as to why it might not be working. If all else fails, a nice computer reboot often fixes the problem.
If your are experiencing an issue with another member, we strongly urge you to just let it go and ignore the offensive member. Although the chat rooms are moderated, moderators are normally hidden and cannot be reached through the chat software. Moderators only act on spammers, under age users and scammers (people who try to extort money from members with fake camshow videos). If the offense you're experiencing or involved in is with regards to any of the above you may use the contact pages on the website to let the webmaster know. Please include date, time and possibly a screen shot if you want it dealt with in a fast efficient manner, make it as easy as possible.
To ignore a member, simply click on their user name and select "Ignore", problem solved!
If you have been banned from the chat room it's 99% because you broke a rule. This is most likely due to advertising other websites or posting personal information such as a phone number, email address or instant messenger handle. We do NOT allow the posting of instant messenger handles or email addresses simply because there are a lot of scammers out there which will try every day to bring people outside of the chat software to perform their scam pitch. Not only are you safe within but everything an instant messenger program provides is already provided by You can webcam, voice chat, text chat and everything in between, why would you need to go to an instant messenger program?
Enough of the foreplay.
Let's get to it and start the sex chat experience!
Remember people in the chat rooms only know as much information as you let them know, exercise caution and treat everyone with the respect you wish to receive. Let's be adult about it. Start the Webcam Chat!